Please keep an eye on your email inbox, we will send you a confirmation of your enrolment soon. We will also be sending weekly instructions for accessing the zoom-powered art class, along with equipment and material lists.
A4 size plain paper
Tempera paint, poster paint or acrylic.
Colour/pattern paper or card
Black thick permanent marker
Black thin permanent marker
Cardboard off cut (thick piece)
Coloured pencils
Glue stick
Lead pencils (HB, 2HB)
Painters tape (optional)
Oil pastels or crayons
Paint brushes
Plastic plate or paint tray
WASHABLE markers (like Crayola) – thick nib
Water cup
Watercolour paint
Watercolour paper (large and small) or litho or cartridge paper
Hair dryer (optional – to speed up drying time if needed)
Paint pens or gel pens
Paper stump blenders (optional – can be substituted with tissues or cotton buds)
Our goal at Class Artz Academy is to foster a love of learning and creativity within. You’ll find our art classes are suitable for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6 at select schools across Sydney, NSW.